Sending newsletters | Newsletter platform | Vivasend

Efficient and inexpensive newsletter service

The automated Vivasend newsletter platform is probably one of the most effective ways for your business to optimize news, traffic, and sales. Easily secure your reputation as a market leader. We believe this is one of the cheapest ways to communicate!

Thanks to modern technology, we are all available 24/7. Checking emails is a regular task. Yet the huge information load urges us to select only the most relevant content. A newsletter is usually received with the user’s consent. Therefore, it is the type of content the user expects to be valuable. We have no doubt that by creating more appealing content, that sends a great promotional message, you will ensure customer loyalty.

Become the leader in your field.

At every stage of the journey, you are in the driving seat, and it is up to you to decide what type of content your subscribers will receive. You will also have control over the frequency and timing of your newsletters, meaning you can take control of the situation, optimizing your approach to maximize sales. With regular newsletters, you can build a better picture of your customers and monitor their spending habits. Our platform is easy to use, with powerful analytics and graphics tools, meaning you’ll save time and money throughout the process.

Spend less, do more

An affordable price without contracts, obligations, or setup fees

Monthly subscription


Up to 60 000 monthly emails

The pre-paid credits


0.3 ct for an email

The pre-paid credits

0.3 ct for an email

Vivasend (Sender department)

Our platform is used by more than 55,000 customers from 150 countries. Start using effective campaigns for your business now!